Each month, North Central Electric communicates with its members through the Ohio Cooperative Living (formerly Country Living) magazine. The magazine is Ohio's largest circulated monthly rural magazine. The master section of the magazine is produced by our statewide organization, Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, while the center pages are devoted exclusively to North Central Electric news and information. The center pages act as the cooperative's official newsletter and are a great source of news concerning North Central Electric.
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Building a stronger community with safety, reliability, and affordability
- Kilo-What?? Understanding kilowatt-hours and their impact on your electric bill
- Storm readiness: Preparing for the unexpected
- Time is running out to be a board director
- Live line demonstrations - Sparking safety knowledge
- LMRE celebrates graduates from leadership skills program
- January board meeting highlights
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Leading with purpose
- Understanding factors that affect your energy bills
- Responsibly combating higher costs for reliable service
- The power of rounding up for our local communities
- America's Electric Cooperative PAC - Advocating for co-op members
- Time is running out to be a board director: Deadline approaching for petitions to become a candidate for the NCE board
- 2025 Youth Tour & Scholarship Opportunities
- December board meeting highlights
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Balancing electricity supply and demand
- Connecting with our members: The importance of NCE's Member Advisory Committee
- You can be a board director: Petitions to become a candidate for the North Central Electric board available soon
- Your co-op community room: More opportunities for members and community
- Basic service charge and kWh rate adjustment on Feburay bill
- Heavy lifting - Is your furnace winter ready?
- 2025 Scholarship opportunities/Youth Tour information
- November board meeting highlights
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: A heartfelt thanks: Embracing the co-op spirit
- Understanding capital credits: How annual returns impact you
- Cooperative Youth Day 2024
- Community in action: Rallying together for those in need
- NCE statement of non-discrimination
- 2025 Scholarship opportunities
- October board meeting highlights
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Gratitude for our cooperative communities
- Budget Billing - Finding the best fit for you
- Appliance operating cost estimations: What is raising your utility costs?
- Honoring our veterans: Vietnam traveling memorial wall
- New traffic lights help alert drivers to work zones
- Be aware - Scam safety tips
- September board meeting highlights
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Co-ops power our communities with ongoing purpose
- Energy innovation creates new career opportunities
- Celebrating your electric cooperative
- Energy Tip: Heat pumps can provide a flexible heating and cooling solution for your home
- NCE plans to discontinue use of 800 number in 2025
- August board meeting highlights
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Reliability over regulations
- Federal tax credits, incentives, and rebates for efficiency upgrades
- July board meeting highlights
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Resource adequacy vs. Grid reliability
- North Central Electric Cooperative 88th Annual Meeting recap
- Tour the Cardinal Power Plant
- Ohio Youth Tour: Two students represent NCE in Washington, D.C.
- Cooperative Youth Day: Explore the Ohio Statehouse with your cooperative
- Capital credits reallocation notice
- 2024 Member Appreciation Day recap
- June board meeting highlights
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Standing up for reliable, affordable energy
- Advocacy in action: Cooperatives head to Washington, D.C.
- A grassroots effort: How using your voice can help electric co-ops
- May board meeting highlights
- 2023 North Central Electric Annual Report
- April board meeting highlights
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Questions from the membership
- North Central Electric board director race uncontested
- 2024 Annual Meeting announcement
- 2024 Scholarships
- The price of power
- A community slam dunk: NCE employees take part in annual celebrity basketball game
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Shining a light on lineworkers
- Lineworkers: The people behind your power
- 2024 Member Appreciation Day information
- NCE People Fund: 25 years of giving back
- Energy Tip: HVAC maintenance
- February board meeting highlights
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Reliability vs. Resiliency
- Maintaining Reliability
- People Fund - January meeting updates
- E3 Smart Program: Empowering tomorrow's leaders through early energy education
- Energy Tip: The importance of air sealing
- January board meeting highlights
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Nurturing excellence at North Central Electric Cooperative
- NCE employees graduate from Leadership Edge program
- Why do basic service charge increases happen?
- You can be a board director
- How AI is changing agriculture
- Scholarship & Youth Tour
- North Central Electric Cooperative employees spread holiday cheer with "Toys for Tots" donation
- December board meeting highlights
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Winter 2023-2024 resilience
- Basic service charge and kWh rate adjustment on February bill
- You can be a board director: NCE director nomination petitions available
- No One Fights Alone receives grant from NCE People Fund
- America's Electric Cooperatives | PAC
- Youth Tour 2024
- 2024 Scholarships
- November board meeting highlights
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Tracking the Rise
- Rewards for co-op members: Capital credits at North Central Electric
- 2024 rate adjustment notice
- October board meeting highlights
- Youth Tour 2024
- 2024 Scholarships
- Andrew Ruffing named Chief Administrative Officer
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Holiday Season: Watt's your plan?
- Sweet delights: Handshoe Cakes and Cookies in Republic, Ohio
- Local fire department receives upgraded equipment through People Fund | Meter tampering is illegal and unsafe
- September board meeting highlights
- Sparking safety awareness: North Central Electric Cooperative's live line safety demonstration trailer
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Celebrating National Co-op Month
- Powering Agriculture
- Medical certification | Beware of scame
- Unveiling comfort: A member's journey to energy efficiency and relief
- Ford F-150 Lightning long haul trip
- August board meeting highlights
- Dryer vent safety and efficiency
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Maintaining Reliability
- Driving an all-electric Ford F-150 Lightning in rural America
- EV charging safety tips
- June board meeting highlights
- Celebrating our members: An extraordinary Member Appreciation Day at Cedar Point
- Blackouts: What you need to know
- July board meeting highlights
- Winter time-of-day rate takes effect Sept. 16
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Energy policy threatens electric reliability
- 87th Annual Meeting Recap
- Cooperative "Power": Coming to the aid of a sister co-op
- Capital credits reallocation notice
- Safety is the top priority - pole top training
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: NCE is Your Trusted Solar Partner
- Energy-saving rebates
- NCE sends two students to Washington D.C, for Youth Tour
- Lightning and sporting events
- Connecting students with safety
- NCE People Fund donates $53,934 to 21 local organizations
- NCE wins national award for best annual report to members
- May board meeting highlights
- 2022 Annual Report
- April 2023 board meeting highlights
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Electrical Safety Month
- 2023 NCE Code Changes and Issues
- Cooperative awards $11,000 in scholarships
- Save the date: NCE annual meeting | Member appreciation day reminder
- Our crews are working to serve you
- The green energy machine
- Cooperative rebates: water heaters
- ACSI survey
- Reap what you sow: Stay safe during planting season
- Summer time-of-day rate | Medical certification
- Cool returns program
- March board meeting highlights
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: NCE Code Changes: What You Need to Know
- 2023 NCE Code Changes and Issues
- Trustees run unopposed for 2023
- Lineworker Appreciation Day
- 2023 Member Appreciation Day
- 2022 Annual Outage Summary
- Bucyrus Backpack Program
- Febraruy board meeting highlights
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Democratic Member Control
- New People Fund board members
- How electricity reaches you | Statement of nondiscrimination
- January board meeting highlights
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: FCC National Broadband Map
- Basic service charge and kWh rate adjustment
- Making reliability a priority
- December board meeting highlights
- Trustee nomination petition reminder | Communication intern wins college scholarship
- Winter weather ready
- Scholarships | Youth Tour
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: 2022 A Year in Review
- Co-op scholarships available
- Trustee nomination petitions available
- SmartHub Sign Up
- Youth Tour | 2023 rate adjustment
- Fall coloring contest winners
- November board meeting highlights
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: It's Always December at the Co-op
- Capital Credit Refunds | 2023 Scholarships
- October board meeting highlights
- Upgrade and save with cooperative rebates
- Member cookbook for sale
- 2023 Youth Tour applications
- 2023 rate adjustment
- What's on an electric pole
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: NCE Building Renovations Update
- North Central tours Cardinal Power Plant
- NCE, CoBank grants $8,500 to Mohawk High School Performing Arts Center
- Employee recognition luncheon
- September board meeting highlights
- Insulation and air-sealing rebates
- NCE People Fund fills a need
- Meter tampering is illegal and unsafe
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: The Electric Co-op History of Innovation
- NCE office closed for renovations | Don't forget to vote
- Medical certification available | Local fall events
- Celebrating membership
- Fall coloring contest
- August board meeting highlights
- Our Lady of Hope Octoberfest
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Moving Forward with Co-op Annual Meetings
- June board meeting highlights
- July board meeting highlights
- Quilt of Valor Ceremony
- Cedar Point Member Appreciation Day Recap
- Cover design contest
- Your Great Escape
- Winter time-of-day rate
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Co-op Owners for Political Action
- 86th Annual Meeting
- Creating entrepreneurial opportunities program
- Unclaimed Capital Credits
- Washington D.C. youth tour
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Urgent Solar Warning
- May board meeting highlights
- Power restoration: lessons learned from line crews
- Maintenance: Who's responsible?
- 2021 Annual Report
- April 2022 board meeting highlights
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Transparency and Board Meeting Update
- Feb. board meeting highlights
- March board meeting highlights
- 2022 Board Elections
- Member Appreciation Day at Cedar Point
- Cooperative awards $10,500 in scholarships
- Solar production in NCE territory
- Medical Certification
- Summer time-of-day rate
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: The Power Behind Your Power
- 2021 Annual Outage Report
- Member Appreciation Day at Cedar Point
- NCE Trustee Run-off Election
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Co-op Democracy is More than a Simple Vote
- Member Appreciation Day at Cedar Point
- Cooperation Across State Lines: NCE assists Virginia Co-op
- NCE People Fund welcomes new board members
- Key Co-op Topics with Ed: Facing Material Costs and Shortages Head On
- How to Save with Co-op Connections
- Right-Of-Way Maintenance
- NCE, CoBank award $10,000 to Mohawk Schools
- Geared for Safety
- Key co-op topics with Ed: 2021: A year in review
- Trustee nomination petitions are available
- Basic service charge and kWh adjustment
- Energy Advisor interview: Chris Bear
- Lineman spotlight: Get to know your linemen
- Co-op Owners for Political Action
- Key co-op topics with Ed: Future Focused
- People Fund 2021 recap
- Understanding your bill and charges
- 2021 Capital credit refund
- 2022 Scholarships
- Key co-op topics with Ed: Supporting our community
- Scam alerts and approved payment options
- Electric aggregation letter
- Your trusted energy advisors
- Statement of non-discrimination
- Happy Thanksgiving
- Key co-op topics with Ed: It's a matter of North Central's principles
- Maintaining affordable electricity
- Local fall events
- Between the Lines newsletter contest
- Key co-op topics with Ed: Stay "connected" with us!
- Winter time-of-day schedule
- Member satisfaction
- The members' marketplace is moving!
- Key co-op topics with Ed: How does an EV hold up in rural America?
- North Central 85th annual meeting
- Electric vehicle charging levels
- Unclaimed capital credits
- Key co-op topics with Ed: Balanced fuel mix
- Cardinal Power Plant tour sign-up
- Safety around electric lines
- Annual Report
- Annual Meeting reminder
- Key topics with Ed: Member Appreciation Day
- Scholarships
- Official Meeting notice, voting and summertime of day rate
- Key topics with Ed: Rural Broadband Update
- Annual outage summary
- Where does my power come from, Uncontested trustee race
- Key topics with Ed: Democratic Member Control
- No posting zone
- NCE People Fund
- Key topics with Ed: Committed to a co-op culture for all
- Fall coloring contest winners
- Be part of the cooperative difference
- 2020 accomplishments and a look to the future.
- Trustee nomination petitions are available now!
- Rate adjustments in effect on Jan. 1.
- Key topics with Ed: Supporting our youth
- New Washington Little League receives $7.025 grant from NCE and CoBank
- Dolly Parton's Imagination Library/Ohio Governor's Imagination Library now available in all of Seneca County
- Key topics with Ed: Giving back to our community
- Kansas Volunteer Fire Department receives grant for emergency equipment from People Fund
- Unclaimed capital credits list
- Key topics with Ed: Live local. Work local. Embrace local.
- NEW, Between The Lines
- Fall coloring contest
- Key topics with Ed: Make your voice heard
- Winter time-of-day begins on Sept.16
- Who Powers You?
- Key topics with Ed: We hear you. Fiber broadband update
- High attendance during pandemic for virtual annual meeting of members
- SmartHub
- Key co-op topics with Ed
- Have you used your Co-op Connections card lately?
- Improve your home with a home energy loan from NCB
- Keys topics with Ed
- North Central meeting to be held virtually
- Clifford named Director of Communications
- Offical notice of virtual meeting
- Key topics with Ed
- Co-op awards $10,500 in scholarships
- Summer time of day rate
- Key topics with Ed
- North Central Electric trustee election uncontested
- Heroes in hard hats
- Key topics with Ed
- Join NCE at Cedar Point
- Stay in the know
- Key co-op topics with Ed
- Be part of the coooperative difference
- NCE People Fund makes big impact in local communities
- Key co-op topics with Ed
- Trustee nomination petitions available
- Electric cooperatives part of the solution for rual broadband access in Ohio
- NCE named 5 -star Co-op for the 2019-2002 election cycle
- Avoiding rate shock
- As a member of your electric cooperative you get the credit
- The story of our new logo
- NCE presents over $9,000 to New Washington schools
- Save the date, third annual Salute to Our Veterans concert
- Communications from the front line, Key topics with Ed
- Touring the territory
- Cooperative teams up with Pcs for People to host one-day recycling drop-off for electronics
- NCE represented at EPA roundtable introducing Affordable Clean Energy rule
- People Fund grants life jackets for Seneca County Park District
- Communications from the front line
- Celebrating 83 years
- 83rd Annual Meeting and Family Fun Day
- Youth ambassador tours Washington, D.C.
- Greetings from Ed
- Ellen Lynch of Seneca East awarded Outstanding Teacher
- Taking the cooperative message to the hill
- Join the cooperative for family fun
- Cooperative youth head to D.C.
- Save the date
- Grasz joins the NCE team
- Construction and maintenance
- Meet the scholarship winners
- Proposed Code of Regulations amendment will separate crentials and elections comitte
- Do you know someone on the list?
- Trustees run unopposed for 2019 board seats
- The commitment of an electric lineworker
- Baking up a sweet twist for the 83rd NCE annual meeting
- Looking back at 2018
- A Royal pair
- NCE employees make commitment to zero contacts
- NCE refunds over $13,00 o local school districts
- Rate adjustments effective Jan. 1
- Co-op celebrates the construction of the Adrian Substation
- How to become a trustee
- People Fund detects a need
- Cooperative name new general manager
- Rate adjustments effective Jan. 1
- NCE reaches a milestone in refunds
- Responding to the call cooperative provides mutual aid in the south
- Upper Sandusky holiday lights
- North Central Electric and Fostoria to clear final industrial park parcel
- Local Be E3 Smart 7th graders tour Cardinal Power Plant
- Second annual Salute to Our Veterans
- The results are in, North Central scored favorably by members
- The Seven Cooperative Principles
- Chatfield Hardware under new ownership
- Board officers re-elected
- Have you checked the list lately?
- How to use your safety LED ice scraper
- President of Buckeye Power, OREC enlightens co-op members
- Celebrating 82 years
- Wind turbine debate spills over to annual meeting
- Chatfield Hardware closes after 115 years
- No. 12 Co-op builds new substation
- North Central celebrates Energy Day at Seneca East
- People Fund supports Caring Hands
- National search for president to start
- You still have time to cast your cooperative vote
- Join the cooperative for family fun
- 2018 Trustee election begins May 8
- The power of change
- Scholarship winners
- Members to decide two trustee races
- Appreciating the front line
- Project Ohio
- The power of maintenance
- Penny Power
- People Fund helps cook up enthusiasm
- Fostoria spec building sold
- Dispelling time-of-day rate misconceptions
- Rate adjustments effective Jan. 1
- Wyandot County sophomores tour local manufacturers
- Mohawk sees the light
- Trustee nominating petitions available Jan. 8
- Rate adjustment effective Jan. 1
- Capital credits refund on Dec. bill
- Children of Members/ Touchstone Scholarship
- Hurricane Irma no match for the cooperative spirit
- Wrestling with grid reliability
- Where does my my electricity come from
- The Co-op Connections card puts value in your pocket
- Our history, our future
- community solar produces results
- Electric co-ops engage with new administration
- Community Solar shines bright
- 81st North Central Electric Annual Meeting draws about 1,500 members and guests
- North Central to host power plant tour Sept. 14
- Legislative rally
- North Central makes the honor roll
- Annual Be E3 smart logo contest
- Co-op to introduce OurSolar June 13
- North Central Board of Trustees election
- 81st Annual Meeting & Family Fun Day
- Co-op completes community solar project
- Meet the scholarship winners
- Willard, Columbian students to represent cooperative on Youth Tour
- Trustee race will be uncontested
- Capital Credits code amendments proposed
- Cooperative Celebrates Lineman Appreciation Day
- The power of maintenance
- Meet the People Fund Borad
- Umbarger Show Feed formulated for success
- People Fund grants $3,200 for 3D printer
- Youth Tour: A life changing experience
- Former board member Eldon young passes
- People Fund trustee appointed
- North Central to add solar energy to its power mix
- Trustee nominating petitions available Jan. 9
- Interested in a life-changing leadership experience in Washington, D.C.?
- Rate adjustments effective Jan. 1
- Rate adjustments effective Jan. 1
- Capital credits refunds on December bill
- HUG card: The perfect gift
- Mother-daughter business partners
- Local youth wins Gator at Farm Science Review
- Become a Co-op Voter
- Certification of active-duty deployment
- Do you know someone on this list?
- Co-op partners with Fostoria on spec building
- Member satisfaction scores continue to improve
- People Fund steps in to assist local fire departments
- First notice of patronage capital refund checks
- New Cooperative board officers elected
- Taking aim at the Clean Power Plan
- Community honoring all patriots on 9/11
- Bright new faces help members save energy
- Co-op president fights against vote apathy
- Eileen Gabel, retired North Central trustee, passes away
- Capital Credits estate refund option similar to lump sum payout from lottery
- Trustee helps take co-op message to Capitol Hill
- Historical Society advances in technology
- Your electric bill gets a make-over
- Be E3 Smart program wins statewide awards
- Co-op to celebrate 80 years at annual meeting
- 2016 North Central Electric Cooperative Board of Trustees election
- Businesses on display at annual meeting
- Eileen Gabel, first female trustee to retire
May 2016
- Construction and maintenance projects ensure system reliability
- The Power League
- 2015 Scholarship winners
- Family Fun Day and Annual Meeting scheduled for June 14
Links are unavailable from April 2016 to 2012
April 2016
- National Lineman Appreciation Day April 11
- Trustee candidates to run unopposed
- U.S. Supreme Court grants stay to Clean Power Plan
March 2016
- Demonstrating safety all year around
- Cooperative seeks adopt a troop
- People Fund rounds up new members
February 2016
- Water heater installation, service to end April 1
- 2016 Youth Tour
- Employees and Trustees honored
- Smart Appliances
January 2016
- Clean power plant: huge cost, little impact
- Jordan urges members to keep fighting
- District 6 trustee Eileen Gabel will not seek re-election
- Spreading good cheer and happiness
December 2015
- Rate adjustment effective Jan. 1
- Capital credits refunds on December bill
- People Fund surpasses 500 grant milestone
- Christmas at Perfection expanding for holiday season
November 2015
- Member satisfaction scores improve
- North Central tours Cardinal Generating Station
- B&W Easy Pull Hidden hobby in backwoods of Attica
October 2015
- North Central approves $15 million workplan
- Patronage capital refund list
September 2015
- North Central line crews assist Kentucky cooperative
- Ice cream churns into careers for the Raders
- Patronage capital refund list
August 2015
- Members lauded for fighting EPA regulations
- Trustees elected in three districts
- People Fund makes a difference
- Tour Cardinal Generating Station Sept. 30
July 2015
- Trustee helps take co-op message to Capitol Hill
- People Fund grants ‘seed money’ to Carey Link
- People Fund grants aid 3 fire departments
- Co-op mourns leader’s passing
June 2015
- Back by popular demand!
- 2015 North Central Electric Cooperative Board of Trustees election
- 79th Annual Meeting & Family Day
- No job too big or too small, Waldock’s does it all
May 2015
- Maintenance never stops at North Central
- Scholarship winners 2015
- 79th Annual Meeting & Family Day, official notice
- New Washington: Co-op’s little manufacturing hub
- Three to represent co-op on Youth Tour
April 2015
- National Lineman Appreciation Day April 13
- Trustee candidates to run unopposed
- Timing is everything, Cost, condition, reliability, system growth key
factors in determining when to replace lines - Seneca East band to sport new uniforms in fall thanks to People Fund grant
March 2015
- Aging gracefully; Study shows power lines still have plenty of life even at 30-40 years old
- Spring clinging delivers safe, reliable power
- People Fund board elects new officers
February 2015
- The maintenance map
- North Central employees and trustees honored at annual recognition dinner
- Four new members appointed to People Fund board
January 2015
- Trustee petitions available Jan. 12
- Rade adjustment effect Jan. 1
- North Central submitted 2,494 letters to EPA
December 2014
- Rate adjustment effective Jan. 1
- Co-op refunds $689,373 in capital credits
- Germany's expensive energy policies pose warning
November 2014
- Co-op halts large-capacity water heater sales
- North Central donates $10,000 to Attica Fair
- Help stop the EPA from shuttering power plants
October 2014
- Members give co-op strong marks on survey
- Family Learning Center receives grant to upgrade walking and biking trail
- A matter of principles: October is National Co-op Month
September 2014
- Outdoor Learning Center brings students to nature at Buckeye Central Local Schools
- Electricity is a great value
- Board of trustees officers elected at July meeting
August 2014
- General manager takes aim at EPA regulations
- Family Fun Day and annual meeting draws record attendance
- Steve Seitz appointed to fill District 2 seat following Willson's retirement
July 2014
- People Fund grant helps family into new home following house fire
- Capital credits listing
- Energy efficiency tip of the month
June 2014
- Over-regulation leads to higher electric bills
- Candidate bios
- Businesses on display at annual meeting
May 2014
- Cranberry Hills Golf Course celebrates 40 years in New Washington
- Cooperative's construction, maintenance projects underway in 2014
- Family Fun Day & Annual Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 10
April 2014
- A day in the life of a lineman
- Cooperative trustees race will be uncontested
- Scholarship winners 2014
March 2014
- Protect affordable, reliable electricity
- Spring cleaning delivers safe, reliable power
- Resumes accepted for Wyandot County seat; Don Willson to retire from co-op board of trustees in June
February 2014
- North Central employees and trustees honored at annual recognition dinner
- Interested in becoming a trustee? Nominating petitions due Feb. 10
- Board of Trustees appoints two new members to North Central People Fund board
January 2014
- Trustee petitions available Jan. 13; Two incumbents to leave board this year
- People Fund brings iPads to classrooms
- Protecting affordable, reliable electricity; New resolve for the New Year
December 2013
- Been there, done that; Stringent EPA regulations for coal plants will test North Central's ability to provide affordable, reliable power, general manager says
- Phase 2 of Time of Day rate schedule begins Jan. 1
- EPA coal regulations limit's Ohio's competitiveness, Latta says
November 2013
- Time for a call to action! Protect affordable, reliable electricity
- Cooperative members and employees visit new and improved Cardinal Generating Station
- Electricity may cost more, but remains a good value
October 2013
- North Central earns safety achievement for ninth consecutive time
- Member satisfaction level reaches all-time high
- New energy efficiency programs introduced for home and business owners
September 2013
- Stong storms, high winds strike North Central' Worst outage since 2005 cuts power to 4,000 members
- GM Bryant pledges to fight Obama's 'War on Coal'
- Board of trustees officers elected at July meeting
August 2013
- Annual meeting report
- North Central Youth Tour recipients visit Washington, D.C., and area sites
- Telemarketers calling co-op members to offer discounted rates breaks the rules
July 2013
- Seneca County 4-H and Community Hospice Care receive People Fund grants for new programs
- Patronage capital credits refund listing
- Visit the Crawford County Fair
June 2013
- North Central Electric Cooperative annual meeting June 11
- Cool roof creates cool house
- Help North Central battle copper crime
May 2013
- Cooperative's construction maintenance projects underway in 2013
- Outage numbers lowest in past 10 years
- Bryant testifies before Department of Energy in opposition to proposed water heater regulations
April 2013
- Incumbent trustees file nominating petitions, will be formally re-elected at annual meeting
- Seneca County Help Me Grow receives People Fund grant for educational enhancers
- Scholarship winners 2013
March 2013
- Miller Fabrics opens doors in New Washington with quilting supplies at wholesale prices
- Ways to pay your bill
- People Fund board elects officers
February 2013
- North Central employees and trustees honored
- High utility bills may be 'your own cotton-pickin' fault'
- Powering Up! here's what's going on if you find yourself in the dark
January 2013
- Trustee petitions available Jan. 14 for North Central Electric Cooperative Board of Trustees
- Rate adjustment effective Jan. 1
- Cooperative members give back through North Central's Operation RoundUp program
December 2012
- Cooperative ups service fee $2 - Planned rate adjustment effective in January
- Capital credit refunds issued for 33rd consecutive year
- The magical value of heat pump systems - Air-Source
November 2012
- Jordan believes sound energy policy equals strong economy
- The magical value of heat pump systems - Geothermal
- Co-op board of trustees, employees and special guests visit Cardinal Generating Station
October 2012
- Why we celebrate you in October
- Rate-savings for IOU neighbors may be short-term
- People Fund grant issued to local fire departments in New Washington and Chatfield
September 2012
- Frankart replaces Reichert as board president, Snavely named treasurer at July board meeting
- We will have heroes: They are called 'lineman'
- Winter Time of Day rate starts Sept. 16
August 2012
- Ahern briefs members on Buckeye Power's $1.2 billion environmental upgrades and long-term plans
- Strong storms leave 1,800 members without power
- Proposed regulations and power costs take center stage at annual meeting
July 2012
- Buckeye Central 7th and 8th graders are 'Be E3 Smart'
- St. Bernard School receives People Fund grant
- Cooperative officials visit Nation's Capital
June 2012
- Annual meeting to be held June 12
- Members asked to allow mail/online voting
- Board of trustee candidate bios
- Proposed Code of Regulations amendments
May 2012
- Construction, maintenance projects underway at cooperative
- Code of Regulations amendments proposed
- Trustee slate set for 2012 annual meeting
April 2012
- Added benefits, more savings with Cooperative Healthy Savings program
- Sharing services helps cooperative control costs
- New Riegel Fire Department receives grant for laptop
March 2012
- Member satisfaction levels affected by rising costs
- Weaver's Maple Syrup
- Meeting future power needs
February 2012
- Cooperatives are the fabric of your community
- Steve Frankart retires as operations manager
- A strategic review - your bill
January 2012
- Code amendments save $5,800, recoup $32,000
- Processor scans 25,700 monthly bills for co-ops
- Nominating committee seeks candidates