The North Central Electric People Fund was established in January 1999. Since then, more than 595 grants totaling more than $1.1 million have been issued throughout the cooperative's service area.
The cooperative's board of directors appoints members to serve on the People Fund board. These members are selected throughout the North Central Electric service territory. The People Fund board reviews submitted applications and approves them based on need and available funds. Political issues or campaigns are not eligible for grants from the People Fund, as well as requests for assistance with utility bills, rent/mortgage payments, etc.
The North Central Electric People Fund Board members are appointed for three-year terms, which coincide with the terms of the cooperative's board of directors.
Nearly 85 percent of North Central's eligible residential members currently participate in the People Fund program. Opting in or out of the program at any time is simple. Just contact the cooperative or enclose a note with your monthly electric bill.
Grant Applications
Applying for a grant is simple. Applications can be mailed or e-mailed upon request by calling the cooperative at 419-426-3072 or by emailing us at
The People Fund board meets quarterly in January, April, July, and October. The application deadline is the 20th of March, June, September, and December. Individual and organizational grants are limited to North Central Electric members/families and organizations that serve the North Central Electric service area. North Central Electric serves members in Crawford, Hancock, Huron, Richland, Sandusky, Seneca, Wood, and Wyandot counties.
District 1 - Crawford and Richland counties
Eric Hanes
District 2 - Wyandot County
Rodney Gilliland and Sharon Schilling
District 3 - Thompson, Reed, and Venice townships in Seneca County; Lyme, New Haven, Norwich, Richmond, and Sherman townships in Huron County; and York Township in Sandusky County
Amy Nagel
District 4 - Adams, Scipio, and Bloom townships in Seneca County and Green Creek Township in Sandusky County
Beth Kagy
District 5 - Pleasant, Clinton, and Eden townships in Seneca County
Fran Shook
District 6 - Liberty, Hopewell, and Seneca townships in Seneca County
David Hawk
District 7 - Washington Township in Hancock County; Jackson, Loudon, and Big Spring townships in Seneca County; Scott Township in Sandusky County; and Montgomery and Perry townships in Wood County
Jeffery Huber